Database repair results

The kmzuk_users table is okay.
    The kmzuk_users table is already optimized.

The kmzuk_usermeta table is okay.
    The kmzuk_usermeta table is already optimized.

The kmzuk_posts table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: 1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
    Successfully repaired the kmzuk_posts table.
    The kmzuk_posts table is already optimized.

The kmzuk_comments table is okay.
    The kmzuk_comments table is already optimized.

The kmzuk_links table is okay.
    The kmzuk_links table is already optimized.

The kmzuk_options table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: 2 clients are using or haven't closed the table properly. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
    Successfully repaired the kmzuk_options table.
    The kmzuk_options table is already optimized.

The kmzuk_postmeta table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: 2 clients are using or haven't closed the table properly. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
    Successfully repaired the kmzuk_postmeta table.
    The kmzuk_postmeta table is already optimized.

The kmzuk_terms table is okay.
    The kmzuk_terms table is already optimized.

The kmzuk_term_taxonomy table is okay.
    The kmzuk_term_taxonomy table is already optimized.

The kmzuk_term_relationships table is okay.
    The kmzuk_term_relationships table is already optimized.

The kmzuk_termmeta table is okay.
    The kmzuk_termmeta table is already optimized.

The kmzuk_commentmeta table is okay.
    The kmzuk_commentmeta table is already optimized.

Repairs complete. Please remove the following line from wp-config.php to prevent this page from being used by unauthorized users.

define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);