Due to the coronavirus pandemic, it has been the safest option to end up cancelling or even delaying worldwide events that were said to take place this 2020. We were told to practice and maintain social distancing as well as safety precautions in hopes of remaining safe from the novel virus.
One of the most important events that people were hoping to attend and watch live on TV is the “Olympics”. This 2020, the Olympics was going to take place in Tokyo this year since every year the Olympics is situated in a certain country. But now since the coronavirus pandemic has gone viral, it was best to momentarily postpone the event.
Since the virus sparked, it was decided that the Olympics will be postponed until July 2021 which is around a year from now. Today though, discussions are arising claiming that it is impossible and that they cannot delay the Olympics more than they already have.
The President of Tokyo, Yoshiro Mori, states that they won’t be able to postpone the games even more than they already have. Yes Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister, stated that it is best to start considering a two year postponement but he has officially decided that one year is the latest they could postpone the event.
According to specialists, it is said that the Coronavirus is to last at least another two years depending on each country and the situation of the virus then. Also, famous researchers are fearing that this is the Spanish Flu all over again. If you guys are familiar with what happened back then, you would remember that the Spanish Flu lasted around two years.
In our opinion, the safest option is to keep cautious and maintain social distancing as well as precautionary measures for the next two years to be fully sure that we have beat the war against the COVID-19. Unless we’re lucky and someone finds an ultimate cure or antiviral, its best to be safe rather than sorry.
Unfortunately the Japanese organizers are under heavy pressure from both sports associations and athletes due to the year-long postponement, so imagine having to tell them that they’ve decided to postpone it for yet another extra year than what they have previously agreed upon.
“Also thinking about athletes and issues over Games management, it is technically difficult to delay it by two years,” Mori was quoted as saying.
A well informed professor refuted saying: “To be honest with you, I don’t think the Olympics is likely to be held next year,” said Kentaro Iwata, a professor of infectious diseases at Kobe University.
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how this all plays out but for the time being let us remain optimistic.