I lost you the moment I laid my eyes on you
I lost you the first time you gazed back
I lost you when I first let you hold my hand
I lost you when I told you my first secret,
When I untuned my voice for you, when you started favoring me.
I lost you when your face was one breath away from mine
I lost you when I told the joke I knew would make you laugh
I lost you when I showed you how good of a listener I can be
I lost you when you thought you could pour it all onto me
I lost you when you tore the shield guarding your heart and let me in
I lost you when I made you feel like you’d found what you’ve been looking for
I lost you when I made you feel at home
I lost you because I’m there one moment, but not the next one
I lost you because my heart is too fragile to hold you in for more than two ticks
I lost you because you’ve made me feel vulnerable
I lost you because I do not belong to you, or to anyone else
I lost you because I would die if I couldn’t breathe outside your water
I lost you because I do not desire to be the one, I’m the other woman
I lost you because you thought I was lost, and tried to show me the way
I lost you because you couldn’t see me for who I am
I lost you because I know not how to love, but how to plague, how to possess
And I do not take interest in what’s already mine.
I lost you the moment you thought I was worth wasting your time.
I lost you because my spent soul makes me blind.
I lost you when you thought that I would put up a fight,
So not to lose you.